Digitale Unterstützung

Schritt-für-Schritt Seminare für Senioren – Mobiltelefone und soziale Netzwerke leicht verständlich lernen.


Unsere Seminare finden an verschiedenen Orten statt, um Ihnen den Zugang zu erleichtern und den Umgang mit Mobiltelefonen zu erlernen.

Außerdem werden die Teilnehmer über Betrugsmaschen auf weiteres aufgeklärt sowie gegen Daten leaks gesichert und ggf.verschlüsselt so dass sie gedankenlos im Internet surfen können.

In den Vorort Seminaren werden Sie von uns Hand in Hand begleitet sodass alle Fragen geklärt werden können. Daraufhin werden die Seminare Kreativ mit Pausen und Kaffee&Kuchen gestaltet.


Wendlingen am Neckar

Öffnungszeiten & Preise

Auf Anfrage

Seminare Online

Wir bieten Seminare für Senioren zum Umgang mit Technik.

An older woman is sitting at a desk typing on a vintage computer keyboard with a monochrome monitor. She wears glasses and a floral-patterned jacket. A binder with papers is open in front of her, and several open books are in the background, suggesting a library or office environment.
An older woman is sitting at a desk typing on a vintage computer keyboard with a monochrome monitor. She wears glasses and a floral-patterned jacket. A binder with papers is open in front of her, and several open books are in the background, suggesting a library or office environment.
Seminare vor Ort

Praktische Schulungen für Senioren in ihrer Umgebung.

An elderly person is exercising on a stationary bike in a gym setting. The environment is filled with various gym equipment and modern fitness machines. The person appears focused and determined, wearing casual workout attire.
An elderly person is exercising on a stationary bike in a gym setting. The environment is filled with various gym equipment and modern fitness machines. The person appears focused and determined, wearing casual workout attire.
Online Kurse

Lernen Sie bequem von zu Hause aus mit Videos.

Several children are seated around a table, each using a tablet device with educational content displayed. An adult stands nearby observing the activity. The setting appears to be a classroom or learning environment, with the focus on digital learning.
Several children are seated around a table, each using a tablet device with educational content displayed. An adult stands nearby observing the activity. The setting appears to be a classroom or learning environment, with the focus on digital learning.
An elderly person is working on a detailed craft project at a cluttered workspace. The desk is covered in metal pieces, small tools, and various notes. The person is holding a tool in one hand and appears to be assembling or engraving a small metallic component.
An elderly person is working on a detailed craft project at a cluttered workspace. The desk is covered in metal pieces, small tools, and various notes. The person is holding a tool in one hand and appears to be assembling or engraving a small metallic component.
Technik Hilfe

Individuelle Unterstützung für den Umgang mit Smartphones.

Soziale Netzwerke

Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen für soziale Medien nutzen.